Mottimetsä – outdoof learning area

Welcome to Mottimetsä, the outdoor learning area of the Science Centre Pilke! The area consists of approximately 1,000 hectares of state-owned multiple use forest that offers a versatile learning environment for children, youths, school groups, and various activity groups.

The road to Mottimetsä with a sign saying “Mottimetsä”.

On a trip to the forest you can experience it with all of your senses. Personal experiences and experiments allow your relationship with the forest to grow deeper and provide you new perspectives. You will learn that a forest can simultaneously provide the basic necessities for life, raw materials and means of livelihood, and wellbeing and recreation. You will also learn to understand your rights and responsibilities pertaining to sustainable forest use. The Pilke inspirers will ensure that you start and finish your trip at the same time, organize a lunch stop, and arrange two structured activity points.


Mottimetsä is located on the northern side of Lake Norvajärvi, 25 kilometres from the centre of Rovaniemi.


Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd is responsible for the sustainable use of forests in the area. The plan for the use of the area was created by Lapland University of Applied Sciences. The area is also used by a travel company and reindeer husbandry operators. We can also help you obtain partners for producing content for your trip based on separate agreement.


Please contact Pilke Info if you are interested in visiting the area: